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Holiday 2022
Chocolat Faux Puzzles

Thanksgiving - Hanukkah - Christmas

Chocolate Thanksgiving Puzzle

The First Thanksgiving 1621

Jean Leon Gerome Ferris


     Jean Leon Gerome Ferris was an American painter best known for his series of 78 scenes from American history entitled The Pageant of a Nation.  It is the largest series of American historical painting by a single artist.


    The paintings showed idealized portrayals of famous moments from American history but were often more idealistic than historically accurate. This is not uncommon in period art. In the First Thanksgiving 1621 the black outfits the Pilgrims are shown wearing are wrong and the Wampanoag did not wear feathered war bonnets, nor would they have been sitting on the ground.   The complete series was shown at Independence Hall in Philadelphia from 1913 to 1930 and later shown in a number of locations including the Smithsonian Institution before being returned to the family.  Licensed from the Library of Congress, ChocolArt Studio presents The First Thanksgiving 1921 in cocoa butter on luxury chocolat in our exclusive puzzle for both celebration and reflection of this uniquely American holiday for families.  The colors of this painting exquisitely feature our innovative proprietary cocoagravure technique.



The Tree of Life Menorah

Scott Nelles


     Inspired by the African Acacia tree, Scott Nelles sculptured this cast bronze Menorah. Nelles created his art by using the sand-casting method to express his artistic visions, to take advantage of a process that makes his art more available to the public. 

ChocolArt images this replicated the painting of this brilliant work in cocoa butter on our exclusive luxury chocolat faux puzzle.

Adoration of the Maji
The Tree of Life Menorah

Adoration Of The Magi

Abraham Bloemaert


     One hundred and forty-three years after Leonardo de Vinci left unfinished his original charcoal drawing Adoration of the Magi, the Augustinian friars of Florence commissioned Abraham Bloemaert to paint a massive alter-piece in oil for the Jesuits of Brussels Church inspired by de Vinci’s original title and theme of same.  Licensed from the Library of Congress, ChocolArt Studio replicates on our exclusive puzzle, Bloemaert’s interpretation of Adoration of the Magi on luxury chocolat in organically colorized cocoa butter.   




Holiday Collection Faux Puzzles


Two Puzzle Box Set – Blank Notecard Included


Organic Free Trade Couverture Chocolat

Dark* (77% Cocoa - No Dairy) :||: Milk* (54% Cocoa :||: Ivorie (6% Cocoa)


Puzzle Weight Each: 6 ounces (226.796 grams)

Dimensions: 7 1/2 x 5 x 1/8th inches

 Orders ship next or second day depending on destination.


Ingredients chocolat: Organic cocoa mass cocoa liquor, soy lecithin.

Ingredients: Cocoa-butter, organic botanical extract; 

evaporated cane juice.

Allergen Information: No nuts, wheat or gluten.


Telephone Orders Only:

805.979.5100 - 833.567.5200


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